Yelling “Fire” in a theater: Mainstream Media’s Perpetration of the Russian Collusion Hoax.

The famous line from Justice Holmes in Schenck v. United States is, “The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic.” May 11, 2015.

For two years our media, celebrities, Democrat politicians, and commentators have been shouting “Fire” in the crowded theater of the American Republic.

Continue reading Yelling “Fire” in a theater: Mainstream Media’s Perpetration of the Russian Collusion Hoax.

2nd Amendment Sanctuary Counties Increasing Across the Country

Democrat legislators in new “Trifecta” states – states in which the House majority, Senate majority, and Governorship are all of the same political party – are trying to stampede through a far left agenda. High on the agenda, if not first on the agenda, are new gun control laws. Many sheriffs and counties, though, are pushing back hard.

Continue reading 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Counties Increasing Across the Country

Are Democrats Receiving Laundered Drug and Human Trafficking Money from Cartels?

Why are the Democrats blocking border security?

What motives would they have to allow unfettered border crossing from illegal aliens drug cartels and human traffickers?

I am beginning to wonder out loud if the Democrat party is benefiting from laundered cartel money, and with good reason.

Continue reading Are Democrats Receiving Laundered Drug and Human Trafficking Money from Cartels?

Three Reasons America is the Greatest Country in the World

John Hawkins’ piece on why America is the greatest nation in history is a must read. 

In the face of leftists destroying our history and monuments, calling patriots racists, bigots and nazis, we need the fist of truth.

This is the greatest country on earth.  It is great because of its values.

America has the best values on earth.  We need to articulate these values.  This is how to help stop the erosion of our values.

Here’s my simple take on the subject:

Name one country that has done as much for the world as the United States of America. 

Just one. 

For the people on the “left” who burn the American flag, which flag is more worthy of flying than America’s?

There are at least three documented reasons why America is the greatest country in the world.

I suggest you memorize these simple reasons.  They are tools, weapons to use in our quest to speak up about American values.  They are rounds in your mental Colt 45.  The reasons are as follows.

Continue reading Three Reasons America is the Greatest Country in the World

How the Silent Majority can Stop the Erosion of American Values


Ever heard of the “silent majority?” Sure you have. You may even be a member.

And there’s a big problem with the silent majority: They’re silent!

They don’t spend much time explaining, disputing, or persuading. They’re busy going to work. Going to church. Paying their mortgage. Raising a family.

But silence is dangerous.

Continue reading How the Silent Majority can Stop the Erosion of American Values

The Media, The Red Scare, and The Big Lie



Marry Joe McCarthy’s “Red Scare” to the Nazi’s “Big Lie” and what do you have?

The anarchy of today’s left – Antifa, Black Lives Matter, CNN, NBC, ABC, and a few late night comedians.  And a bit of violence.

This sounds harsh. But only to those who have never heard of Goebbels or Joseph McCarthy.   Given the state of our current educational system, I suspect many young people  are ignorant of Tail-gunner Joe or Goebbels.  And likely unfamiliar with “McCarthyism” or the “Big Lie.”

What is McCarthyism?

Continue reading The Media, The Red Scare, and The Big Lie

The Left’s Kristallnacht and the Destruction of Democracy

Do Americans have shared values anymore? How would we know? We can’t even discuss them. People speaking on college campuses are shouted down. Presentations are banned. Riots break out. Starbucks windows are smashed. Police cars are burned. And the perpetrators are exclusively individuals identifying with the “liberal left.”

Suppression of ideas and freedom of speech have not occurred to this degree since the Brown Shirts and the Hitler Youth attacked Jews on November 9, 1938 – the infamous Kristallnacht.  Kristallnacht refers to the glass windows broken during the night.

Can anyone talk about our values without being attacked?  Continue reading The Left’s Kristallnacht and the Destruction of Democracy

The Surprising Truth about Trauma

face-417825_1920    What is “trauma”?

Really, what is this emotional catastrophe forcing college students to hide in safe places, hug therapy dogs, and sit outdoors in the middle of a campus holding hands for group cry-ins?

Frankly, this kind of “trauma” is how our educational leaders have co-opted real human tragedies into what amounts to self-serving sniveling.  It’s now a tool to intimidate and dismiss an opposing opinion.  It’s disgusting.  Later I will explain how it’s done.

HOWEVER, Real trauma exists.

It exists in the universe of human tragedy, in the world of real life that somehow institutions of higher learning have managed to insulate themselves from.  Real emotional trauma can happen, for example, if: Continue reading The Surprising Truth about Trauma