Yelling “Fire” in a theater: Mainstream Media’s Perpetration of the Russian Collusion Hoax.

The famous line from Justice Holmes in Schenck v. United States is, “The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic.” May 11, 2015.

For two years our media, celebrities, Democrat politicians, and commentators have been shouting “Fire” in the crowded theater of the American Republic.

Continue reading Yelling “Fire” in a theater: Mainstream Media’s Perpetration of the Russian Collusion Hoax.

The Left’s Kristallnacht and the Destruction of Democracy

Do Americans have shared values anymore? How would we know? We can’t even discuss them. People speaking on college campuses are shouted down. Presentations are banned. Riots break out. Starbucks windows are smashed. Police cars are burned. And the perpetrators are exclusively individuals identifying with the “liberal left.”

Suppression of ideas and freedom of speech have not occurred to this degree since the Brown Shirts and the Hitler Youth attacked Jews on November 9, 1938 – the infamous Kristallnacht.  Kristallnacht refers to the glass windows broken during the night.

Can anyone talk about our values without being attacked?  Continue reading The Left’s Kristallnacht and the Destruction of Democracy